Statistics / Slave Papers
Name: Kiera Dumas
Nickname: Kiera, Ki
Name as reads on identification: Kiera Dumas
Age: 17
Birthday: June 13
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Body type: Medium height, skinny.
Physical markings: Small scars all lower arms and thighs.
Physical drawbacks: Often sick, unknown why. Mildly asthmatic.
Dress: Casual clothing, usually long pants and a sweater of some sort.
Disorders: Clinical Depression
Talents/uses/knowledge: She has basic first aid skills, can clean and dress wounds.
Training: She's been taught first aid, how to cook and clean, and knows her manners. Nowadays its a matter of whether she cares to use the skills or not.
Previous jobs/usage? Has often been used as an escort (non-sexual), having been told that it makes a man look good to have a pretty woman at his side. She's also been used as a medic, and a general companion. Most slavers prefer to rent her, none wish to have the burden of a depressed and sick slave.