Born of a feline mother and human father, Candie is a rare creature indeed. While most hybrid creatures bear the traits of both parents, she usually looks completely human, however the blood running through her veins is far from pure.
Though she is neither a shape shifter nor a lycanthrope she has similarities to both. Uninfectious, she is able to take on either her mother or fathers species at will, however the transformation takes an incredible toll on her body.
As a child Candie was raised soley by her father, who was resentful of her for her abnormal traits. It was for this reason that she rarely changed to her feline form, not wanting to displease him.
When she was fifteen years old her father passed away, leaving the timid girl to fend for herself. Candie hid in their house for a week after his death before she finally moved on with her life, taking it into her own hands.
Life for a homeless teenager was hard and scary for Candie, and before long she found herself selling her own body in order to keep herself fed each day. Prostitution soon became her life and she learned to embrace the 'profession' which she had found herself in.
Now 21 years old, Candie herself never speaks of her past, as if forgetting all that she knows will make her the person she has tried so hard to become - a normal human being.
Her life was changed dramatically when she came upon a priest. Attempting to lead the man to sin, she was very quickly taught not to overestimate the power of those around her. Kichou abused the girl, led her to believe that she was wrong in the way of life. She soon learned to love him, even worship him. He is the father of her unborn son, but she has no memory of him..
She was attacked on her trip to the mainland, beaten and robbed. The attacker left her unconcious, and when she awoke she remembered only her name, and nothing more. Now her life leads her in search of answers to her past.